ccr cispes foia

What is CCR CISPes FOIA?

CCR CISPes FOIA refers to the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. This request was submitted to the United States government in 2019 to obtain information about the government's surveillance of human rights activists in the United States and El Salvador.
The two organizations were concerned about the government's monitoring of their activities and wanted to know if their First Amendment rights were being violated. The FOIA request was filed by CCR and CISPES to uncover any information about the government's surveillance activities.

Why is CCR CISPes FOIA important?

CCR CISPes FOIA is important because it sheds light on the government's surveillance activities and helps protect the First Amendment rights of activists. The FOIA request aims to uncover any information about the government's surveillance activities and to determine whether or not these activities are legal.
The FOIA request is particularly relevant given the current political climate, where there is widespread concern about government surveillance and potential violations of civil liberties.

How does CCR CISPes FOIA work?

CCR CISPes FOIA works by requesting information from the government about its surveillance activities. The FOIA request is a legal mechanism that allows individuals and organizations to request information from the government.
Once the FOIA request is submitted, the government is required to respond within a certain timeframe and provide the requested information. However, the government can withhold certain information if it falls under certain exemptions, such as national security or personal privacy.


What is the Center for Constitutional Rights?

The Center for Constitutional Rights is a non-profit legal organization that focuses on defending the constitutional rights of individuals and groups who may be marginalized or oppressed.

What is the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador?

The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador is a grassroots organization that works to support the people of El Salvador in their struggle for social and economic justice.


The CCR CISPes FOIA request is an important step in protecting the First Amendment rights of activists and shedding light on the government's surveillance activities. By using legal mechanisms such as FOIA requests, individuals and organizations can hold the government accountable and ensure that civil liberties are protected.